Recipe of the month – March

Recipe of the month – March, let’s start up the BBQ season!

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

March and the spring are taking over the Nordics even if there is still snow of course up north. Longer, brighter days and the time for BBQ evening slowly start up again. We have introduced you to a lot of different meat during the last months and also but what to have on the side to that nice juicy steak? Here comes a couple of great recipes that will give your BBQ dinner an extra touch of happiness both for the eyes and the mouth. Enjoy!

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