Nordic Market Overview, September 2024

Nordic Market Overview, September 2024

Stockholm 2024-09-18

Still the buyer’s market

Market overview:

We at Helix Ice continue to share our knowledge regarding the latest trends and business information for the Nordic NPL market.

Too much is going in the Nordic NPL market at the moment to wait with an ordinary NMO Half year report from our side.  Who´s buying in the Nordics and when is it the best time to sell NPL portfolios? That’s still the two most frequent asked questions right now that I´m being asked from sellers of NPL portfolios and with less buyers active in Europe and the Nordic some segments are actually not having more than a couple of possible buyers right now. The need for other solutions than the old traditional Forward flow and One off is obvious and we also see that the Nordic market now have got used to different type of securitizations. NOBA, Marginalen Bank, Hoist and TF Bank have all communicated different type of structured solutions for the NPL market and we continue to see performing loans being sold and with that the consolidation of the Bank & Finance market continues. We already mentioned in our last NMO that we probably would see this and it´s always great to be right. In June we attended the Global ABS in Barcelona, a great arena to meet up and discuss new and established type of structured solutions and to share knowledge between industries on how to make investors feel comfortable with the different setups. Read more about our findings from that visit here: Global ABS 2024 – Helix Ice 

In the end of September, we will participate at the DDC Investor Summit in Prague and we are really looking forward to several interesting meetings and sessions. Let´s meet up for a 1:1 meeting if you plan to be there.

New collaborations, securitization structures to finance bigger deals and a more open-minded view on new type of deal setups makes the Nordics a very interesting region at the moment and we have continued to help our investors to invest in both Telecom and Bank & Finance portfolios the last 12 months, still with focus on the unsecured B2C debts. Second quarter of the year is always interesting, especially in Sweden, when it comes to the collection rates as we have two tax return months during that time period. We are very pleased with the outcome of the tax return this year and now see more and more positive signals in the different Nordic economies. We continue to keep up the close collaboration with our different debt collection servicing partners and keep a focus on high activity rates to keep up the contact with the debtors to help them find the best possible way to get debt free.

Feel free to contact us for a dialogue regarding the NPL market in the Nordic region and to discuss different type of securitization solutions, market opportunities or different type of collaborations. And if you plan to visit the Nordics, lets meet up in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo or Helsinki to discuss your views on the latest trends in the NPL portfolio business. We at Helix Ice are always interested in sharing knowledge regarding the upcoming NPL transactions across the Nordics and talk about different type of solutions for how you can get best possible return of investment.